A select bibliography


Primary texts

''Ulysses: The 1922 Text'', ed. Jeri Johnson, 1993 (facsimile of first edition, with extensive introduction, composition and publishing history, and explanatory notes).

''Ulysses: Annotated Students' Edition'' (Penguin Modern Classics), 2000.


James Joyce Review, 1957-59.

James Joyce Quarterly, 1963-.

James Joyce Broadsheet, 1980-.

James Joyce Literary Supplement, 1987-.

Joyce Studies Annual, 1990-2004.

Hypermedia Joyce Studies, 1996 & 1998- (online).

Genetic Joyce Studies, 2001- (online).

Guides and studies

Attridge, Derek, ed. James Joyce's "Ulysses": A Casebook, 2004.

Benstock, Shari and Bernard Benstock. Who's He When He's At Home?: A James Joyce Directory, 1980 (character lists; also available online).

Blamires, Harry, The New Bloomsday Book: A Guide through "Ulysses", 1966; 3rd ed., 1996.

Budgen, Frank, James Joyce and the Making of "Ulysses", 1934 (also available online).

Ellmann, Richard, Ulysses on the Liffey, 1972.

French, Marilyn, The Book as World: James Joyce's "Ulysses", 1977.

Gifford, Don with Robert J. Seidman, "Ulysses" Annotated, 2nd ed., 1989 (1st ed., Notes for Joyce: "Ulysses", 1974).

Gilbert, Stuart, James Joyce's "Ulysses": A Study, 1930; 1952.

Gunn, Ian and Clive Hart, James Joyce's Dublin: A Topographical Guide, 2004.

Hart, Clive and David Hayman, ed., James Joyce's "Ulysses": Critical Essays, 1974.

Herring, Phillip F, ed., Joyce's "Ulysses" Notesheets in the British Museum, 1972.

Herring, Phillip F, ed. Joyce's Notes and Early Drafts for "Ulysses": Selections from the Buffalo Collection, 1977.

Kenner, Hugh, "Ulysses", 1980; rev. ed. 1987.

Kiberd, Declan, Ulysses and Us: The Art of Everyday Living, 2009.

Killeen, Terence, "Ulysses" Unbound, 2004.

Lawrence, Karen, The Odyssey of Style in "Ulysses", 1981.

Peake, C S, James Joyce: The Citizen and the Artist, 1977 (also available online).

Raleigh, John Henry, The Chronicle of Leopold and Molly Bloom: "Ulysses" as Narrative, 1977.

Schutte, William, Index of Recurrent Elements in "Ulysses", 1982.

Sherry, Vincent, Joyce: "Ulysses": A Student Guide, 1994; rev. ed., 2004.

Startup, Frank, James Joyce: A Beginner's Guide,2001.

Steppe, Wolfhard with Hans Walter Gabler, A Handlist to James Joyce's "Ulysses": A Complete Alphabetical Index to the Critical Reading Text, 1985.

Thornton, Weldon, Allusions in "Ulysses": An Annotated List, 1968.

Films and videos

Ulysses, directed by Joseph Strick, 1967.

Bloom, directed by Sean Walsh, 2004.

Bloom Is a Cod! The Bloomsday Centenary, produced by Book-TV (Canada), 2004.

Bloomsday Cabaret, directed by Rosemary House, 2004.

Imagining "Ulysses", produced by RTE (Irish television), 2004.

Recorded readings

Ulysses: "Aeolus" (excerpts; 1924) and Finnegans Wake: "Anna Livia Plurabelle" (excerpts; 1929), read by James Joyce.

Ulysses: "Nausicaa" (excerpts), read by E G Marshall and "Penelope" (excerpts), read by Siobhan McKenna, 1958.

Ulysses: "Calypso" (1963), "Lotus Eaters" (1963), "Hades" (1964), "Lestrygonians" (1961), and "Sirens" (1965); produced by Zack Bowen.

Ulysses, abridged reading by Jim Norton and Marcella Riordan, 1994; complete reading, 2004.

Ulysses, complete reading by RTE (Irish radio) Players, 1982; CDs 2004.

Ulysses, complete reading by Donal Donnelly and Miriam Healy-Louie, 1995.